Oak Framed Garage and Office

At the Oak Designs Company our home office garages can be tailored to your needs. By combining these two uses you can create amazing statement buildings on your drive which as well as look great can significantly increase your home's value.  

According to an article posted earlier this year by CNBC 70% of professionals globally work from home remotely a least one day a week whilst 53% for at least half of the week. So If you are working from home why not do it right! Having that separate home office can give you the space and privacy you need to work efficiently  without the possibility of being disturbed.  

Our garage home offices are completely customizable but normally go down one of either two routes. One of which is keeping the garage and office on one level or splitting it by putting in a floor above the garage to be used as a first floor. If you are looking at a first floor option planning will be needed however if you are looking to keep the garage and home office on the same ground level you may well be able to proceed without planning permission and come under permitted development depending on the site, location from boundary and size of the building etc.

 Please see some of our standard designs below for some inspiration as well as our case studies. If you would like any advice or like to speak to us further please visit our contact us section.


Wooden garage

Take a look at some of our Garage & Home Office case studies
